Stock Market

Stock Market

Stocks go up stocks go down The whole idea is not to drown You get a little luck today The next your praying the luck will stay Gamble on this and gamble on that Just hope you don’t go plat! Research helps you ease your mind But then someone does a report and...
Ye Old Sweat Shops

Ye Old Sweat Shops

Ever been at a place where it is like Ye Old Sweat Shops You know the type, where production is fast and pace never stops It is always hurry, faster and just get it done, but if you do hurry You can make mistakes, as it is impossible to see everything when in a scurry...
My Mother

My Mother

My Mother Thank goodness I have the mother I have because you see, I don’t think any other mother would have put up with me. When I was young before I was one I had a tumor in my eye, The doctors told my mom “now don’t let her cry”, If I had cried I would have totally...
Man of no Surprise

Man of no Surprise

Once a upon a time there was a man of no surprise, No matter how much he tried his actions were his demise. He thinks he will be clever in getting his girl to the alter So he takes her to the wedding ring counter.   With questions and jests to the clerk of the...
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Sometimes you just need to start over, when the world is not a bed a clover. Stress is the killer of your body and soul, it make you feel all out of control. You have to step back and take a look at your life, to cut out the stress with a knife. When I cut some of the...
Half Full or Half Empty

Half Full or Half Empty

I have a dilemma of sorts, and it has all to do with the heart, I have looked up and down for a smile, but that is only the start. In the smile I looked for a truth, as I couldn’t stand any more lies, I asked for the honest truth, but I now feel it will be my demise....