Easter Day

Easter Day

On Easter day it is a time for all. For some it is a time to go to church, For some they see the Easter bunny call. This is what I have found in my research, Religious persons the good lord comes first, The rest are off for Easter eggs they search. I love to watch the...
My World Today

My World Today

. I The world outside my realm is strange to me. For venturing out of my boundaries Is not what I can do so easily. I give you my sincere apologies, For I have fears you might not understand What shuts me in from all adversaries. It did not happen fast, it was not...
Themis – The Goddess

Themis – The Goddess

I, Themis, goddess known of earth and law, Dispensing justice most divine. Again, Am here to tell my story with some awe. My parents, Earth and Heaven they do reign, Uranus ruled the Heavens but not Earth, But Gaea ruled the Earth as her domain. My mother shared the...
Seize the Moments

Seize the Moments

In our short life of moments we have seen, So many types like pleasure, joy and peace. These moments keep our lives from being mean. If we do not seize the moments and cease the thinking hard of future times and days to relish moments past to gain release, Then we...
Sassy Me

Sassy Me

A word, a single word comes to my mind When I describe ‘the me’ you want to know This word is used by all my friends, I find. With some it takes a bit of time to grow And another will take more time to see This word describes ‘the me’ from head...
Man UnKnown

Man UnKnown

This man unknown I write about today, A teacher, not so easily impressed And makes you strive to write in a new way. This man unknown does only want the best So do not write your poems with half a mind Or with bad rhymes as you will fail his test. This man unknown has...