About Lady Kathleen

Poetry Author

My Story

Lady Kathleen has been writing poetry for over 30 years.
This is just one of the few ventures that Lady Kathleen is involved in.
Lady Kathleen’s poetry mostly will tend to reflect her life and moods.
Some will even develop from bad times but mostly they deal with the good times.
Website Designing at Website Designing Plus is another venture that Lady Kathleen has been involved with for many years.
Lady Kathleen is a firm believer that the website should be done Right. Her favorite motto is:
Do You Want it Done or Do You Want it Right?

Genealogy is another venture that Lady Kathleen has been involved with for many years.
At her site Enchanted Family she has over 10,000 persons listed in her genealogy and it keeps growing.
She has found some very interesting people in her heritage, like the Royalty of many countries,
Pilgrims, The Captain of the Titanic, Lady Godiva, and Presidents of the USA.

Medieval Life is something that Lady Kathleen been looking into for many years.
Lady Kathleen feels this is a very romantic time to have lived if you were in the royal court.
You can find out about her medieval interest at Enchanted Castles.


Thank you, to all my readers, for taking the time to stop by to read my poetry!  I hope there was something here that you enjoyed! 

– Lady Kathleen

Contact Lady Kathleen

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