What is it I surmise, when I look into your eyes?
Is my opinion wise, when I look into your eyes?

I try to find the truth on how you feel about us
And not to improvise when I look into your eyes.

There are times when I can be so sad and lonely,
Where my heart cries when I look into your eyes.

Moments are there when I feel as light as air,
Like I won first prize when I look into your eyes.

You can touch my heart with soft tenderness
And passions will rise when I look into your eyes.

When you look at me no more and you turn away,
That’s when my heart dies, when I look into your eyes.

You are the whole world to me. Can you not see?
LadyKat’s life is comprised when I look into your eyes.

Poem Style – Ghazal / Poem Catagory – Love
Written by Lady Kathleen