Any place in time is where we can go.
Medieval times will be our first peek.
Still with me, my love, in our time long ago.
Ladies with gowns of finery that flow.

A time where the gallant men are not meek.
Any place in time is where we can go.
Castles at nighttime with windows aglow.
Grand halls look to me, so very antique.
Still with me, my love, in our time long ago.

Oh look the jester just started his show.
Do you want to stay a day or a week?
Any place in time is where we can go.

This is a romantic time, as you know,
They use words like Thee and Thou as they speak.
Any place is time is where we can go.
Still with me, my love, in our time long ago.

Poem Style – No Style Format / Poem Catagory – History
Written by Lady Kathleen