I can’t say I don’t like my life,
For that would be far from the truth.
But there is one thing that bothers me so
And that was the day, I lost all my teeth.

It would not have been that bad,
If during the whole span of last year,
I didn’t cry all the time, from my despair,
And I could have at least, worn some false teeth.

Other than trying to eat, then could not,
It greatly effected how I looked.
I suddenly transformed from young woman,
Into the old grandma without any teeth.

So I hid myself away, in my own little world.
That way no one could see how I looked.
My family tried to encourage me a times.
But I didn’t want even them to see, me with no teeth.

A traumatic and miserable year has gone by.
And I put my family through many kinds of hell,
For it’s was very hard for them to stay close,
When I turned inside myself, because of teeth.

I changed overnight, from a lady that smiled,
To a scared person that always covered her mouth.
I would cry if I saw how I looked in a mirror,
Cause I hated how I looked without teeth.

I lived though one of the worse years I have known,
As it had taken me a whole year to finally mend.
My family was strained, but it getting better again,
Now that I say with a smile, “I have teeth”.

Poem Style – No Style Format / Poem Catagory – Personal
Written by Lady Kathleen