Keep your heart open and love will find its way in.
Keep smiling when life gets you down.
Keep your heart open and love will find its way in.
Keep smiling when life gets you down.

Keep smiling when life gets you down
The world will smile back at you tenfold
Keep smiling when life gets you down
The world will smile back at you tenfold

The world will smile back at you tenfold
I smiled at you and opened my heart and here you stayed
The world will smile back at you tenfold
I smiled at you and opened my heart and here you stayed

I smiled at you and opened my heart and here you stayed
Keep your heart open and love will find its way in.
I smiled at you and opened my heart and here you stayed
Keep your heart open and love will find its way in.


Poem Style – Pantoum / Poem Catagory – Love
Written by Lady Kathleen

Written by Lady Kathleen for Rod