I am sitting at grandmas as I do recalled,
Watching a movie, “A Time to Remember” so it was called.
Grandma says, “Looks like a great picture show”.
I rabble on to her, about it fascinated me so

My Grandma leans over, as if to conspire
“If you think that’s neat, I have something you might admire”
I slowly follow her down thought that creepy old basement decor,
Where she opens an old trunk, full of albums, photos and more.

“Let’s see, and hmm where is it?” she does seem to muse,
She made me almost feel like a spy, looking for clues,
Gentle hands shake as she pulls an old velvet album from that old chest,
She flips the pages mumbling about family and how they were dressed.

When she suddenly stops and slowly turns the old album towards me,
She says ever secretive and low, “This is the one, that I want you to see”
The photo was of a small group of people, of which some faces I did know.
She whispers, “Do you know who this is? I shook my head no.

You’re Great Uncle Smith, a great Captain you see,
He was the real Captain of great ship that was lost out at sea.
I was shocked and amazed, and could not utter a word,
Is this real? Did I really hear what I heard?

Poem Style – Quatrain / Poem Catagory – Titanic
Written by Lady Kathleen