So uninspired by your hurtful, hateful ways,
Talking with no tact to all you come to know.
When all we were looking for was some small praise.

Sometimes you hide your remarks in a deep maze,
Knowing full well the hurtful comments still show,
So uninspired by your hurtful, hateful ways.

You had a new task to assess and appraise,
but all you did was condemn and deal a blow,
When all we were looking for was some small praise.

With the power you should have tried to amaze,
but no you only do harm, when you do – oh!
so uninspired by your hurtful, hateful ways.

With your knowledge you could have set us ablaze,
and inspired works of art. But it was no go,
When all we were looking for was some small praise.

You are a villain as you steal with malaise
our ability to learn. We are though,
So uninspired by your hurtful, hateful ways,
When all we were looking for was some small praise.

Poem Style – Villanelle / Poem Catagory – People
Written by Lady Kathleen