When I was new, just out of high school,
I did something that made me a fool.
I got married to a man,
That beat me so I ran,
And told the judge he was mean and cruel.

You would have thought I had learned my lesson.
But no!  A second marriage begun
It was doomed like the first
And even got much worse
So the judge made the marriage undone.

Now you would think third time is a charm
A old boyfriend so what was the harm?
But this was not so good,
Trying all that I could,
I could not take that funny farm.

I swore to never marry again,
I did not want to handle more pain.
And my dad said no more,
I can not take a four,
Down the aisle once more, it is insane.

But over time a wedding did prevail,
Even dad liked is guy is the tale.
So I listened to my heart,
Which was a new life start,
And over time we will we what does prevale.

Poem Style – Limrick / Poem Catagory – Personal
Written by Lady Kathleen