It's a True Story

It's a True Story

If you are a relative newcomer to genealogy beginning to build your family tree, then you are probably deep in digging on the Internet and in various libraries for your ancestors' details. It is a very exciting hobby, and these days with more and more documents...
It's a True Story

Are you looking for the shortcut

Are you looking for the shortcut to building your family tree? Or, that one web site which has all the records and documents you need to help you find your ancestors? There are no shortcuts, unfortunately. Each person, each detail, and each relationship needs to be...
It's a True Story

Find Clues in Documents

When you are beginning to search for your ancestors and build your family tree, you may not be aware of all the possible clues there may be on any document you find. In order to be sure of your sources, to be certain of the relationships, on any document, it is...
It's a True Story


Genealogy research and building your family tree is very exciting as you find evidence of your great, great grandparents and more! But all those pieces of paper, all those stories and notes – how can you keep them organized so you can find them? Here is a simple...
It's a True Story

Questions about Adam

Adam in the Bible has references to Adam the Individual and Adam as to referencing all humans. In Genesis 5:2 it states "Male and female created He them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam…" this is where Adam is used as a term for mankind or...
It's a True Story

Are you one of those competent

Are you one of those competent capable efficient exemplary individuals? Who never needs to ask for help because you seem to know exactly where to find information, by yourself? Then read no further, because this article is for the rest of us mortal souls who stumble...