This is Our New Age Book on Discovering Our Ancestors
The Enchanted Family is a dynasty of Lady Kathleen and her Royal or related to Royal family. This dynasty goes back to Adam and Eve and have other interesting and famous people like President, Abraham Lincoln,,President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President, John Adams, President, John Quincy Adams, President, Zachary Taylor, E.J. Smith, Captain of the Titanic, Noah from the Great Floods in the Bible, Sarah Palin from Political Circles, Bing Crosby Actor and Singer (White Christmas), Lady Godiva that rode a horse in town covered only by her hair, Fulk FitzWarin believed to be the Legendary Robin Hood, Pilgrims William Brewster, John Alden, Stephen Hopkins Pilgrims John Howland and Elizabeth Tilly, Immigrates like William Weillum Compton, Owner of Nunney Castle George Prather, Travelers of the Wagon Trains like William H Hamilton and Cornelius Prather and who wrote about it in a diary, Soldiers like Thomas Sprigg and James Smallwood that fought Indians and more.
Enchanted Family History Book
Here is a book that took many years to research. It is a book of the Enchanted Family History. The …Read More
Nunney Castle
Nunney Castle, owned by the Prathers It is locationed in the Town of Nunny in Somerset England The type was …Read More
Passed away on 22 Feb 2021 from Covid
Top Surnames in the Enchanted Family Tree
Adams Alford Anderson Beall Bearse Beaumont Belt Brewster Brown Bruce Calton Campbell Canmore Capet Carew Case Catesby Clare Cobb Collins Compton Comyn Conery Corbett Crinion Crosby Curtis Davis Dunham Dunning Evans Foster Freeman Giffard Godfrey Grueneberg Haley Hamblen Hamilton Higgins Hill Holcomb Hopkins Howard Howland Israeli Exilarch Jimenez Johnson Jones Kehoe Kennedy Kirley Ladwig Lee Lewis Lincoln MacDonald MacKenzie MacLeod Magnus Malott Martel Mawr McMahon Murchison Noigillach O’Neill Parker Patrick Pedrazine Penn Phillips Plantagenet Potterbaum Powell Prater Prather Quentin Rausch Reardon Redman Rouse Scrope Smallwood Smith Snow Spencer Sprigg Staveness Stuart Taillefer Taylor Tremoureux Veatch Veitch Vujnovich Wilson Windsor Woodruff Wynn