Titanic Passenger – Tom Peacock

Hopefully, somebody has some information about the Peacock’s. I would like to find out who Tom Peacock was and how he was linked to the Titanic. My grandma says her father talked about him. He said Tom inherited some money from a relative in England. He went...

Cheryl Allen Powell says:

Before my 1st husband died, he told me this story: His grandparents lived in England and decided to move to Canada. They bought tickets to ride on the Titanic. When it came close to the day to sail, grandma got sick and ended up in the hospital. She told grandpa to go...

The Night Lives On – A Story

Sea flat calm, no moon, no wind, no swell. On a starlit night of April 14, 1912, the great new White Star liner Titanic, on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York had brushed an iceberg in the pre-dawn darkness. She brushed the iceberg so gently that many on...