My grandmother’s great aunt’s maiden name was Friedberg. Her Sisters, Johanna and Julia were already in the states by the turn of the century. Johanna, my great great grandmother, was actually married to a German immigrant who lost his life as a Union soldier, only to remarry a former Confederate soldier. But that’s another story. Johanna’s sister and husband had a Vaudeville type carnival act. Her husband would dance and sing with a little piano strapped to his back, while she would play the piano in accompaniment. They were emigrating from Germany, through London, to the US. This much my 86 year old grandmother can recall, she was born just three months after the Titanic went down. But as this was told to her in her early years, the rest is faint in her memory. My great great grand aunt’s maiden name does not appear in the passenger lists I have studied. I have also provided a list to my grandmother to see if it shakes loose a familiar name. But her eyesight and patience have waned, and I’m not sure I can rely on her memory to fix a name. As these distant relatives had no known offspring, and the rest of the family seems apathetic, I thought that it would be a fitting tribute to these and other Titanic victims to carry forward their stories and names. If anyone can help, I thank you. Alexander F. Levy I’ve gleaned another tid-bit or two about my Grandmother’s Great Aunt. It seems my 86 year old grandmother has shaken loose a few more memories of the story of her great aunt. The youngest of three German-Jewish sisters Typkia Freidberg may have already been a citizen or resident of the US. If so, she would have resided in Chicago, where her family settled prior to the Civil War. Her sisters Johanna and Julia were already residents of the US by the turn of the century. It seems Typkia married her husband (name unknown) in London. The pair had a street-act which they performed in Picadilly Circus. Her husband would strap a miniature piano to his back and the pair would dance and sing while Typkia played the little keyboard. My grandmother’s recollection of their journey has it that the pair was either immigrating, or returning, to the states, where they were to audition for a then unknown Florence Zigfield. It may well be that they considered Titanic the ship to their dreams. The only problem, Typkia’s name does not appear on the passenger list. It may well be that, if she was a US citizen, her name was changed for ease of English spelling and pronunciation.