I am a relative of First Class survivor Martha Evelyn Stone (née Stone), wife of Captain George Nelson Stone, who once owned the land where Fort Knox stands (which is now controlled by the government). Obviously this is a connection that is by marriage, as she had no children with her first husband, Mr John Harrington, and none with her second husband as she was too old by the time she remarried. On Mr Philip Hind’s Web Site, the name of Eleanor M. is actually Eliza M. This connection runs through my great grandmother, Anna ‘Annie’ Jane Davis, who is the granddaughter or great granddaughter of one of Jefferson Davis’s brothers, therefore my Uncle Jeff Davis. She would know more information on this connection and has all the details, but this is how I relate to Mrs George Nelson Stone of First Class. I think that I am related also to one of four First Class women to perish on the Titanic , Miss Edith Corse Evans of New York City, New York. I was told that we are related to Andrew Hamilton, one of her relatives, and aside from that she is related to other famous American patriots, and I also have American patriots in my line, but I am currently trying to go into further detail at this point to find the connection. Jeffrey Kern