Have always had an interest in the Titanic… long before the movie was released. After having seen the movie, I found out that I may have had a relative on the Titanic. Madeleine Force Astor was the second wife of John Jacob Astor. At the time of the disaster, she was 18 and he, 46. Recently married, they had planned on honeymooning in Egypt and Paris. However, Madeleine found out she was five months pregnant (the “delicate condition” mentioned in the movie). They decided to return to New York via the Titanic. Madeleine survived… John did not. I’ve since read that Madeleine died in 1940 while living in Palm Beach, Florida. I am not certain that she is a relative. However, the name ‘Force’ is quite rare, so it’s highly likely that we’re related. I plan to research the ancestry on my own in the coming months. Wes Force


I want to thank you. You have provided me with a wealth of information. My father’s sister has researched our family history, only to find that we are direct decendants of JJ Astor. My father is supposed to send me the papers to show me how this is so, but he travels in his line work and I thought that I could research it while waiting for him to return home. If you know of any information that would help me, it would be greatly appreciated. I hope to hear from you. Thank you Wendy