My name is Ken Unger. I am related to Daniel Buckley, an Irishman who survived. He was the brother of my mother’s mother, Mary Ellen Buckley Sheehan. My mother is Catherine Sheehan. I only know what has been published about Daniel Buckley. He testified in Senate hearings about the disaster and his testimony has been published frequently. Daniel Buckley fought for the US during World War I and died near the end of the war.
My name is Jana and I am Daniel Buckley’s great-granddaughter. All I know about him is what I have read as you. But I am trying to research his life before and after the Titanic. When he died, my grandfather was adopted which is making my research difficult. Thanks
My name is Johanna Psalidas. I am also related to Daniel Buckley, he was my grandmother’s first cousin. I would like to find any distant relatives and as much information as possible about Daniel Buckley and the Titanic.
I am related to Daniel Buckley. He is my Great-Great-Uncle. My Grandfather, David Sheehan was Uncle Daniel’s nephew. Mary Ellen Buckley Sheehan was my great grandmother. Ken Unger is a cousin of mine. Uncle Daniel was a third class passenger on the Titanic. He shared a room with three other people. He was the first in his room to realize the ship may be in danger. Uncle Daniel was Twenty One when he traveled from County Cork Ireland to America. He died at the age of Twenty seven. He was killed in WW1 on one of the last days of the war. Before going to war, he lived with my Grandpa Sheehan’s parents in New York. but as far as we know, he was not married and he had no children. If you have any more questions, write back to this Website again. Thanks. Olivia.
Maybe we are relatives. My grandmother was Daniel Buckley’s first cousin so their parents were sisters. You can find me on FB under the name Johanna Psalidas or e-mail me at
Cool! You know, we could possibly be related. Who knows!? But, I have a question. As far as I know, Daniel Buckley had no wife or children. Before the war, he lived with my Grandfather’s parents. But I’ve heard some people say that they are Great-Grandchildren. How is it possible? Do you know if he had a wife or child? write back for the answer. I’ll be keeping up- to date on this website. Thanks, (especially Johanna,)
Maybe we are related Olivia. As I know after the TItanic he stayed with my granmother’s parents in Bronx. I have the address and everything. He didn’t have any children as far as I know and didn’t marry either. I have a geneaology report one if my uncles did who lives in AMerica. DB was my grandmother’s fisrt cousin as my great-grandmother and D. Buckley’s mother were sisters. You can also find me on FB if you are on it. I would definitely like to keep in touch.
I can be found on FB under the name of Johanna PSalidas
Johanna, what was your grandmother’s name? Andn can you tell me, did Daniel have a wife or child? i dont think he did!
I am related to Daniel Buckley. I’m from the UK and my grandfather was also named Daniel Buckley and he passed on his story of Private Daniel Buckley, i grew up with the same story told by my mother. i find it fascinating to see where i come from, and i can see where we get our youthful irish good looks from. i would be interested to speak with other relatives of his. ive attached my facebook page if anyone is interested…my mother has a tonne of Buckley Geneology files that she has spent years researching.
I sent you a friend request on FB, I go under the name of Johanna PSalidas. Daniel Buckley was my grandmother’s first cousin.
I sent you a friend request on FB if that is you.
As far as I know he had no wife or children but he did have I think brothers and sisters. Don’t know exactly, will check with my geneaology report. If you are on FB you can find me as Johanna Psalidas.