My great grandfather was Arthur Gee and sailed on the ship. I know very little about him other than that it was a business trip to Mexico and sadly, like Capt Smith his last trip before retirement. I only presume that as a gift the company paid for Arthur to sail first class, unless he was somewhat richer than I. Arthur Gee was a 1st class passenger He did not survive, but was picked up by one of the death ships floating in the sea in his dinner jacket, wearing overcoat. Martin Gee
Titanic Passenger – Arthur Gee
by Lady Kathleen | Dec 1, 2018 | Children of the Titanic | 8 comments
hi there, i am looking for some information on the family of arthur h gee who unfortunately died on the titanic. i am from a family of gee’s living in the west midlands (uk) and am interested in any links that we may have. gee still seems to be quite an unusual name here and would love to hear from others. many thanks, nicky
hi Nicky (Gee?) i would be interested in how you might be related to Arthur. It seems there are a few of our family memers in the manchester area
he was my great great great grandfather!
Dear Henry
I have lived in St Annes on the Sea all my life and interested in the Titanic disaster and how important it is to remember those who lost their lives in this in sinking.
Please could you contact me on
Arnold Sumner
How do I contact Martin Gee about the Titanic?
Hi Martin
In about 1996 I nursed a patient, a lady of about 100 years old, and as my small son was into the Titanic ? the wreck had been filmed on TV ? I asked her if she remembered the sinking. She said she certainly did, and that she sadly knew someone who had drowned in it, a Mr Gee, who had been once engaged to her sister, but she had broken it off. I read from your history of your ancestor that he was married with children, so I can only assume this was many years before, and that this lady?s sister was older, to account for it. This was before the internet and I rushed to the bookstore to verify the name, and low and behold there he was! I hope this snippet adds to your history of Mr Gee, sad as it all is. Regards, Christina Somerville.
Hi Martin (Gee?), are you the same Martin Gee whose name has been mentioned on a few atricles I have seen written about Arthur? I have a few Gee’s in my family tree and curiosity has got the better of me! My niece was doing a school project about the Titanic and I was helping and stumbled across the surname Gee! It’s possibly a long shot but I also noticed a Brian Ticehurst giving information and I also have Ticehursts in my family tree, are you on genes reunited or facebook? I have an extensive family tree on the genes website, If you could get in touch with me via there I could give you access to my tree and you could hopefully take a look and see if there may be a connection? Yours hopefully, Trudie
Hello Martin! My name is Nancy E. Gee. Before my brother Andrew Henry Gee passed away suddenly and unexpectedly he had been working on his family tree. He learned as a child about Arthur H. Gee who was a passenger on the Titanic who died when he was only a boy when he read a book about the Titanic disaster. We think that a Charles and Hannah Gee were the first of our Gee family to come to the United States from England and settle in North Carolina. we still have a missing link that prevents us from proving that. At one time Tennessee was part of North Carolina. My Father Henry F. Gee ‘s family made their way to Polk County Tennessee. His Father Horace Milton Gee was born and raised in McMinn County, Tennessee. My Father was born and raised in McMinn County along with his oldest brother Walter Gee, sisters Dollie Mae Gee, and Florence Tennessee Gee, Gladys Gee, my Father Henry Franklin Gee, his brother William Alexander Gee, Felix Gee, and John Joseph Gee, and younger sisters Ruth Gee and Mildred Gee. My Dad’s Great Great Great Grandfather John Henry Gee and his wife Priscilla Crittenden Gee lived in Virginia and were slave owners. There was a story handed down that our last name at one time was McGhee and one of my father’s great Grandfather’s sons fought on the Confederate side of the war between the states and didn’t want that to be known so he changed his name to Gee. I have seen it on the census records spelled.both ways. My brother knew more about our family than I do and we found many more connections than we had been told about.