by Lady Kathleen | Feb 1, 2019 | Children of the Titanic
am grandaughter to Arthur John Priest, he is my late fathers, father whose name was George,there was another son named Fred I lost contact with Fred a few years back I do know there are still Relatives that still live in southampton but don!t know of there whereabouts...
by Lady Kathleen | Jan 31, 2019 | Children of the Titanic
I lost my great grand father on the Titanic. He was a fireman down in the engine room. My great grandfathers name was Arthur Tizard, he was 32 when he died on the Titanic, and he lived in Southampton, Hampshire England. Jackie Klein (Tizard)
by Lady Kathleen | Jan 30, 2019 | Children of the Titanic
It’s been Titanic-mania all week everywhere including with my grade 5 class. We’ve been working on a project that develops a plan that might have saved more of the passengers on the Titanic. The students have really enjoyed drawing up some very interesting...
by Lady Kathleen | Jan 29, 2019 | Children of the Titanic
My personal Titanic quest is information on Marie Grice Young. I am not related to anyone on the Titanic so I have adopted her. She was a school teacher in first class who went all over the ship, into the kitchen and cargo holds, but neither her name nor her memoirs...
by Lady Kathleen | Jan 28, 2019 | Children of the Titanic
I am a relative of First Class survivor Martha Evelyn Stone (née Stone), wife of Captain George Nelson Stone, who once owned the land where Fort Knox stands (which is now controlled by the government). Obviously this is a connection that is by marriage, as she had no...
by Lady Kathleen | Jan 27, 2019 | Children of the Titanic
My Great Uncle Stephen Hold and my Aunt Annie Margaret Hold were passengers on the Titanic. They held second class tickets. He perished with the sinking of the Titanic and was classified as lost at Sea, She survived. We have lost track of her and how her life went on....