The Titanic That Really Won’t Sink

Ms. Kalstrom, 61, plays Ms. Brown in period dress in a new Titanic exhibit at the here in Denver, where the Browns once lived. In April, Ms. Kalstrom will embark from Southampton, England, on a re-enactment of the Titanic’s fatal cruise, planning to lead fireside...

Titanic Passenger – Ellen Bird

I am related to Titanic passenger(survivor)Ellen Bird,who was the maid of Isador and Ida Straus.She was on lifeboat #8, I think. I too am doing genealogical study and a search for further info. on Ellen. All relatives born before me are from Ireland and England....

Titanic Passenger – Maggie Madigan

I have included everything that is currently known about Maggie Madigan. I have contacted the researcher and he thinks that my grandfather, who was born in County Kerry, is not related to Maggie’s family. I am still working on researching this. Maggie was born...