Titanic Passenger – Joseph Fynney

Hi. You have an awesome web page. I do not know if I am related to the 3rd class passenger Joseph Fynney who perished or not. My family name is Finney, and my great-great great ancestors originated from Count Tyrone Ireland, and some of them were shipbuilders for the...

Titanic Passenger – Karen Abelseth

My grandmother, Karen Abelseth was a 3rd class survivor.  She was in lifeboat 16. She was 16 years old . Even though I have lost the information to the person listed here I am posting it in hopes they will see it and come back and give us more information about this...

The Not-So-Luxurious Titanic

But what was life onboard the Titanic actually like? Not much like taking a cruise today. Traveling on the Titanic was a voyage of purpose, primarily to transport mail, cargo and passengers, many of whom were emigrating, as steadily and safely as possible. Designed to...