The castle itself, though built in 1373 and severely damaged by Cromwell during a English Civil War, the Castle itself is not reported to be haunted.

The ghost associated with the Somerset area is far from ancient. Several travellers have seen a man of about 35 wearing a sports jacket and flannel trousers standing beside the lane leading to the castle, hitching a lift. A number of motorists who have stopped to pick him up find that he has vanished. After waiting a few seconds for him to approach them, they have got out of their car to look for the stranger but he has completely disappeared.

One or two friendly drivers have been so disturbed by the vanishing hiker that reports are filed by the local police. On more than one occasion the motorist claims to have actually had the man in the car with them, but he has vanished before reaching his destination of Critchill.

 This little tib-bit was sent to us by a guest of the Enchanted Castle.