In 1985 The Enchanted Castle was originally formed. At that time the Internet was just text with no graphics. It was called “The Enchanted Castle BBS”. In 1992 The Enchanted Castle BBS was torn down and rebuilt in a new location, due to the demise of the current King. In about 1993 when graphics and html were introduced and greatly being used on the internet The Enchanted Castles transformed and updated and became “The Enchanted Castles” domain. During the years as a domain the Castle grew and added sections like “The Enchanted Titanic” and “The Enchanted Family”. This is where the Fantasy part of the Enchanted Castles introduced the History part of the Enchanted Castles. In 2000 we added our Original Coat-of-Arms, which is displayed and explained on another page. This Coat-of-Arms was developed from the owners Coat-of-Arms combination. In 2003 we converted over to the PHP-Nukes style web site to give our readers a place where they can be a part of the whole Enchanted Castles Theme and the Castle Walls could be built in a more interactive and flexible manor. In 2004 we created The Enchanted Castles own personal Coat-of-Arms, which is displayed on another page. This Coat-of-Arms is not tied to the Owners of the Domain, as the Owners became the OWNER, as in one owner. Lady Kathleen has maintained the castle all these years, but figured it was time to give the Enchanted Castles Domain it’s very own Coat-of-Arms. In 2005 The Enchanted Castles Domain was attacked by a bunch of rebels named and/or called hackers, The Castle under when major remodeling changes, which included a new theme look. So areas and walls were built up slowly and more secure than before and some areas were roped off until they were repaired. The Royal Guards cleared out the Castle and made all patrons re-check-in at the gate. It was a large mess, which everyone had watch out for falling stone work for a time. In 2007 the Enchanted Family moved to it’s own domain In 2008 the Enchanted Poetry move to and the business Website D
esigning Plus was born. In June of 2009 the Enchanted Titanic move to it’s own domain In August of 2009 The Enchanted Castles was reborn again. But soon even that ends up getting rebuilt a couple months later and is directed to this new location. In September of 2009 there was Yes-23:Politics and the Common Man This site was designed for Rodz mostly, but I dabble in the lighter side there. Lady Kathleen has gotten very social as of late…
So After all that things changed again and all the personal website have rejoined under and you can find all the sections listed in THE REALMS.